Saturday, September 12, 2009

Rotary Super Bowl Food Drive Pointers


  • Wear your Rotary name tag
  • Before you start, introduce yourself to the manager in charge
  • Pick up the flyers to pass out to their customers at the courtesy desk or from the team you replace if you are the second shift.

Each store has a specific location where they want you to pass out flyers. Hopefully this is where the customer enters the store at the main entrance.

When passing out the flyers:

  • Remember the food collected is for the food pantry only.
  • Strongly encourage all to contribute $5 to help fill a bag of groceries.
  • You will have a container for the money that you need to watch and be responsible for. It is attached to the sign.
  • All groceries will be collected in grocery carts. At the end of your shift we ask you to bag (hopefully paper) the groceries filling the bags about 2/3 full. Leave the bags of food in grocery cart.
  • Please do not leave your shift until the replacement shows up.
  • If you have the last shift, in addition to bagging the groceries, you need to ask the store to secure the money collected.

Thanks for your help in making this project a success!

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