Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Successful Dental Mission

Rotarians from Dist 5650 participated in the recently concluded Dental Mission organized by the Nebraska Mission of Mercy. The mission took place at the La Vista-Papillon High School, Nebraska, on July 10-11, 2009. It served more than 1500 patients. Rotary clubs made monetary donations to support the mission and several Rotarians volunteered serving in different capacities, i.e. registering the patients, assisting Dentists, managing the parking lot, managing the patients in long lines, and assisting child care whose parents are getting dental services. Health & Hunger Dist. Chair Yolanda Hoffman was at the event and was able to document some hours of the mission. Below are the pictures and video clips:

After triage, patients are waiting here for their turn to see a dentist.

Dr. Hanck, assisted by Rotarian John Meng-Frecker, doing Triage.

Health & Hunger Chair Yolanda Hoffman with Dr. Hanck taken during the first shift on July 11, 2009

Rotarian John Meng-Frecker of Southwest Omaha Rotary Club w/ Dr. Hanck during the morning shift on July 11, 2009

Below are video clips of Dr. Hanck, a volunteer dentist from Colorado, talks about his experience as part of the Dental Team, and Rotarian Rick Braasch shares his experience as non-dental volunteer.

Dr. Hanck, volunteer dentist from Colorado

Rotarian Rick Braasch, Southwest Omaha Rotary Club

NOTE: This blog post will be updated with more information, pictures, and video clips as they come.

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