Monday, February 8, 2010

Post Project Message from Yolanda Hoffman

Thank you all so much for a fantastic Super Bowl weekend! The local charities scored big because of your leadership and participation in the Rotary Super Bowl Food Drive!

We had great media coverage both print and broadcast. Thank you to Roxy Orr for a wonderful job!

We will be doing a Project Documentary provided, pro bono, by Complete Music & Video. Some of you were interviewed last Saturday. Thank you! We are gathering materials from WOWT 6, Action 3 and from all participating clubs to be included in the Project Documentary. We will have good project documentation. We will also submit the video to the RI YouTube channel, which is being accessed daily by thousands of Rotarians, Rotaractors, and Interactors worldwide.

We are looking to turn over the cash to the charities next week when DG Rich gets back from Dallas. I'll send you an email later for the date, time, and location. Let me know if you have suggestions for the cash turnover. The turnover should last approximately 10 minutes. Thank you to Ginger Hiscock for contacting all the charities.

For your club's food drive cash donation, please write a check to Rotary District 5650 and send the check if possible within this week, to our Dist. Treasurer James Mastera, 6515 Saltgrass Rd., Lincoln, NE 68521. The Treasurer will then equally divide the total cash raised to the 5 charities.

Once again thank you very much for a successful Super Bowl Food Drive!

Yolanda Hoffman
District Chair, Committee on Health & Hunger
Phone: 1-402-577-0091
Skype: HoffmanInOmaha

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Follow up Message from Dist. Chair Yolanda Hoffman

For Metro Omaha Rotary Clubs:

As earlier suggested, our last shift on Saturday, Feb 6, ends at 4:00PM. We have advised the charities to come to the central location to pick up our food donations at 5:00PM. This way, we give everyone an hour to get to the central location.

Our central location to drop off groceries will be at Westroads JC Penney. The exact location is listed below:

- Westroads at JC Penney's upper level parking garage on the east side. Please park on the north side of the ramp.

In the event of extreme weather conditions on Feb 6, Sat at 4:00PM, our plan B for drop off will be at the following location:

- Terrace Plaza located at 11414 West Center Road. We will be using the back door. Tony Stiles at SW Rotary, whose family owns the building, have facilitated this location for us.


- Each club is responsible for counting the money raised during the food drive and it is requested that your club writes a check to Rotary District 5650. The District will then equally donate the money raised to all participating charities.


- Just a heads up, Complete Music & Video will be sending their crew to the central location on Saturday, Feb. 6, to interview some of you. Some local TV stations may be sending their crews also to cover our turn over of food to the charities.

- Roxy Orr is coordinating our media efforts for this project and has already sent out our press releases to the Metro media and to cities where the rest of our 46 clubs are located.

I'm glad to share with you that on my last round of follow up with some clubs outside Omaha, everybody is ready and looking forward to a successful Super Bowl Food Drive!

Thank you very much!

Yolanda Hoffman
District Chair, Committee on Health & Hunger

Friday, January 15, 2010

Project Planning for the Rotary Super Bowl Food Drive

Taken during our planning session for the Rotary Super Bowl Food Drive. From left: Roxy Orr, District PR Chair; Club Pres. Rick Stone, Food Drive Co-Chair; Dist. Gov. Rich Rowland; Dist. Health & Hunger Chair Yolanda Hoffman. Not in picture is DGE Bob Perrin.

Food Drive Co-Chair & Club Pres. Rick Stone with Dist. Health & Hunger Chair Yolanda Hoffman.
Picture taken in front of food drive signholder provided by JC Penney.